Club Rules And Regulations
- All members must be financial by race 3 of each season.
- If runners are not financial by race 3 no prize money or points will be awarded for any race completed.
- All races commence at 10:30am unless otherwise specified.
- Correct club uniform with the appropriate number must we worn in all races.
- Competitors must report to the starter before the race to confirm their participation.
- Instructions are relayed to runners approximately 10 minutes before each race and it is the runner’s responsibility to be present for this briefing.
- Runners must carry out all instructions issued by the Race Officials.
- Runners must line up in handicap order when called by the starter.
- Protests concerning handicaps are to put in writing and directed to the chairperson of the Handicap Review Panel.
- All other disputes will be adjudicated by the Disputes Committee.
- The Committee reserves the right to reject any applications for membership or cancel any existing memberships at its sole discretion.
- Clubroom keys must be returned upon request.
- In the event of any qualified runner not being able to compete in the Dick Kitt Final, additional runners will not be added to the field.