Jack's Back For His Second Win

Jack Parker became this year’s first Junior runner to win a second race for the season with a strong performance at No. 7 Reservoir on Sunday.  Running further and faster than ever before Jack covered the 1.2km distance in 5:47, just holding off the brother and sister duo Tanner and Jazlin Fear who filled second and third places.


Jazlin’s 4:48 was the fastest time of the day, 2 seconds quicker than Tanner.  These two can be expected to fight out the next race, although if Harper-Lee Basten is there she may have a say in who takes the victory.  With only two races left in the regular season the running will be fast and furious.


This week’s event is to be held at the East Bendigo Rifle Range in Rifle Range Rd., off Pratt’s Park Rd. on the edge of the Wellsford Forest.